Here is the place to watch for updates on new live performances, and the next album launch! Stay tuned because 2024 is going to be a big year...

Music Available Online:
No matter where you prefer to listen to your music, you can easily access BadKat's entire catalog at all major online stores and streaming services. All you need is internet access, and you can listen or download all of your favorite previous BadKat releases for free. Plus, BadKat has made her entire library of previous releases available for free download. You can find it all at www.BadKat.bandcamp.com.
Booking BadKat:
Whether you want a live performance, a dj set, or an interview, the best way to get what you're looking for is to email BK with the details of your offer and she will get back to you directly.

Firing Away
The first single from the upcoming album, She Wolf Half Lion with special musical guests Wynton Kelly Stevenson, Nico Kleihn, Dana Shanti and Sean Beatty performing a special live band version of the song.
With the album expected to be released in September 2024, stay tuned here for more singles, videos and promos coming soon!